
OK, The semester is coming to an end. I have one more week of classes and the final exam is scheduled the following week. But before that, I have a big challenge this weekend; I will give 3 performances at Keio Junior high in Hiyoshi on Sunday, and another one at Rikkyo Elementary school the next morning on Monday. And then as soon as the performance is over, I will rush to Waseda to teach classes till 6. Would I be able to survive? Let’s see.

さて、いよいよ早稲田の授業もあと一回、、、そして、再来週が期末試験、、、いやいや、その前に今度の日月は自分への挑戦です!!日曜日、日吉の慶應普通部芸術鑑賞会(1日3回公演)、翌、月曜午前中、立教小学校公演(今回で3度目の公演!!)そして、立教終演後、午後は早稲田の授業へ直行!!6時まで授業です。舞台で倒れたらかっこいいが、教壇で倒れたら、、、ちょっとかっこ悪いかな?苦笑  写真は、慶應普通部

2021-07-08 12:13 | つれづれなるままに | コメント

