いよいよあと10日となりました!カンジヤママイム結成30周年記念公演in 上野鈴本演芸場!!6月24日(金)です。チケットあと若干ですが残りがございます。お早めに。カンジヤマは本日13日都内某有名高校の芸術鑑賞会。その直後金沢へ移動し、石川県下の高等学校を週一杯巡り公演いたします。そしてその後大学講義して、再び四国方面へ!!Life goes on and on and on… 旅先で稽古やっていまーす!!
Ten more days to go !! Kanjiyama Mime will be giving its 30th anniversary performance at Suzumot Engeijo in Ueno. There are still a few tickets left so I would reccomend purchasing them as soon as possible. Kanjiyama will be performing for a high school in Tokyo on Monday and will be taking a bullet train to Kanazawa right after the show for a week’s performances there. WIll be teaching at Waseda on Monday, then off to Shikoku district this time….. Life goes on and on and on…..will be rehearsing during for the show on the road.