
今日、七夕は我がカンジヤママイムの心の師匠、永六輔さんの命日でもあります。もうあれから6年か、、、、永さん!目一杯頑張って永さんの教えてくださった事、人の為に何とかしてお役に立てるように頑張ってます!文化庁事業の仕事を佐賀で終えて、先程、熊本は人吉に到着したら、ナント、それは美しい夕陽!思わず永さんに話しかけている自分がいました。Today, July 7th is the day we have a special star festival called Tanabata,a festival based on a legend of a man and a women in the heaven who are separated by the Milky Way and can only get to see each other once a year on this day. A romantic and yet sad story originated in China. At the same time today is the anniversary of my great mentor, Mr. Rokusuke Ei’s death. Cannot believe it’s been already 6 years. Having been traveling around Kyushu island here and there giving workshops entrusted by Cultural Affairs Agency of Japan, we finally got to the final destination, Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto Ken. We were welcomed by such stunningly beautiful sunset! Being carried away by the beauty of the sky color, I noticed myself talking to Ei san. Yes, am still trying my best to pay forward what I owe you. And I I will be always thankful for what you have taught me!!

2022-07-08 04:46 | つれづれなるままに | コメント

