
昨日の市川公演後、車にて岡崎まで移動、先程岡崎公演終え、今現在明日の公演地、奈良へ向けて移動中!道中、美しい夕陽が心を和ませてくれます。明日の奈良終えたら、そのまま大阪南港よりフェリーにて九州です!Life still goes on and on!!
Right after the stage in Ichikawa, Chiba, we drove to Okazaki, Aichi last night! Just finished a performance here in Okazaki and am headed to Nara where our next stage awaits. After Nara performance, will be boarding a ferryboat from Nanko terminal for Kyushu tomorrow!! Yes, life still goes on and on,,, right now we are all overwhelmed by beauty of the sunset on the way!!

2019-10-30 10:47 | つれづれなるままに | コメント

